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Clementine’s high takes hold quickly, although it doesn’t have the cerebral intensity that comes with some other sativas. Rather, smokers may feel more perceptive and attuned to their surroundings. As they taper down from the peak of the high, smokers may also find themselves attaching their attention to abstract concepts and engaging in creative thinking and problem-solving.

Clementine also works with more mundane activities like running errands or cleaning the house. A slight sense of physical relaxation and decreased tension can pull users down to earth in the event that they’re overpowered by recursive, cerebral thinking. A classic wake-and-bake strain, Clementine may not be the best flower to smoke just before bedtime, as it can leave users alert or overstimulated.

Clementine can also offer some psychological benefits for medical cannabis patients. Its powerful mood enhancement may ease the symptoms of stress and depression, helping smokers to exercise their energy more mindfully and deliberately. Its clearheaded capacity for focus can also be helpful for those with attention deficit disorders. Because initial cerebral effects come about quickly, Clementine may not be a great choice for patients who are prone to panic or who have lower-than-average THC tolerance.

GH Joint Clementine 1g

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